Issue details

Review of Bus Priority Measures in Dorchester St, Manvers St and Pierrepoint St., Bath

The Panel will receive a report that analyses the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order that was made to create bus lanes and restrict through traffic to reduce congestion in Dorchester Street, Manvers Street and Pierrepoint Street.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/01/2013

Decision due: 10 Apr 2013 by Cabinet

Decision due: 13 Jan 2015 by Planning, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel

Lead member: Roger Symonds Marie Longstaff

Lead director: Louise Fradd

Contact: Adrian Clarke, Transportation Planning Manager Email: Tel: 01225 395223.

Consultation process

First notified 22-May-12

EFP Reference: E2439

Call-In Information: A valid Call-in was made. The Planning, Transport and Environment PDS Panel considered the Call-in at its meeting on 7th May 2013. Having considered the evidence, a majority of the Panel voted to dismiss the Call-In and allow the Cabinet decision to be implemented.


Agenda items