
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies, and officers.

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For historical officer decisions before 10/11/2018 please contact:


Decisions published

13/06/2019 - Empty Residential Properties – Transfer to ADL Ltd ref: 1318    Approved

The decision agrees to transfer the specified empty residential properties to ADL in line with the Executive Decision in December 2015 and the following related objectives:

• To maximise revenues for the Council.
• To hold, manage and operate high quality private lettings.
• To improve supply, quality and quantity of private rented housing.
• To act as a responsible and equitable landlord.
• To deliver long term capital appreciation.
• To support the Council’s strategic vision and objectives.

The following tranche of empty residential units transferred back to the Council from registered social landlords and following a review of the business case it has been agreed that they will be transferred to ADL Ltd:

• Flat 2, 12 Broad Street – a two story, 2 bedroomed flat.
• Flat 2, 9 Westgate Street – a one bedroomed flat.
• Flat 7, 35 Parsonage Lane – a one bedroomed flat.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 05/11/2019

Effective from: 13/06/2019


To transfer the following empty properties to Aequus Developments Ltd for refurbishment and letting:
• Flat 2, 12 Broad Street – a two story, 2 bedroomed flat.
• Flat 2, 9 Westgate Street – a one bedroomed flat.
• Flat 7, 35 Parsonage Lane – a one bedroomed flat.

Lead officer: Donna Parham

13/06/2019 - Amendments to Loan Facilities Agreements for Aequus Construction Ltd and Aequus Developments Ltd ref: 1262    Approved

Following a review of the loan agreements currently in place between the Council and ACL

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 14/06/2019

Effective from: 13/06/2019


That in respect of the Facilities Agreement between ACL, ADL and the Council, to
(i) Approve that the Tranche A loan availability period is extended from 15 June 2019 to 31 March 2025.
(ii) Approve that the Tranche B loan availability period is extended from 31 March 2020 to 31 March 2025.
(iii) Approve amendment to the authorised use of Tranche A loans to include “refurbishment works for the provision of housing” and to allow the conversion of Tranche A loans to Tranche B loans where they relate to such refurbishment works.
That in respect of the Development Facility Agreement between ACL, ADL and the Council, to
(iv) Approve and increase in the “Total Commitments” to £33.2 million from £20 million in line with the Council’s approved capital programme budget for Property Company Investment.
and that in respect of the approved loan in respect of the Riverside Development, to
(v) Approve the increase in the maximum loan drawdown from £9.3 million to £12 million in line with the updated business case cashflow requirements.

Lead officer: Ashley Ayre, Donna Parham

11/06/2019 - Customer Payments & Security - approval of capital spending ref: 1259    Approved

To ensure compliance with security standards to make sure the Council can continue to receive debit and credit card payments, and to upgrade feeder systems in order to manage payments by electronic means and associated security requirements.

There was consultation with the Deputy Council Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources.

Decision Maker: Director Finance - Section 151 Officer

Decision published: 12/06/2019

Effective from: 11/06/2019


To fully approve capital amounting to £204k from the provisional capital programme item Customer Payments & Security of £204k.

Lead officer: John Hewlett

04/06/2019 - Proposed new governance arrangements for community safety and safeguarding in B&NES ref: 1257    Approved

To agree new local governance arrangements for children and adult safeguarding and community safety, following recent legislative changes.

Decision Maker: Health and Care Board

Made at meeting: 04/06/2019 - Health and Care Board

Decision published: 04/06/2019

Effective from: 12/06/2019


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Health and Care Board:


1)  Noted the feedback from Avon and Somerset Constabulary Management Board;

2)  Approved the proposals in principle; and   

3)  Delegates the final approval of the detail of the new arrangements, including funding contributions, to the Corporate Director for the Council and Director of Nursing and Quality for the CCG in consultation with the relevant Cabinet portfolio holders and Board Members as well as in partnership with the police.

Lead officer: Lisa Harvey, Lesley Hutchinson

04/06/2019 - Overview of Pooled Budget Arrangements and 2019/20 Better Care Fund Financial plan ref: 1256    Approved

An update of BCF pooled arrangement performance, and review of pooled budget arrangements going forward.

Decision Maker: Health and Care Board

Made at meeting: 04/06/2019 - Health and Care Board

Decision published: 04/06/2019

Effective from: 12/06/2019


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Health and Care Board noted the contents of the report in particular the funding contributions, management and monitoring arrangements.

Lead officer: Sarah James, Andy Rothery

04/06/2019 - Recommissioning of Homecare (Independence at Home) services ref: 1255    Approved

A proposal for a framework approach to transform the care sector in B&NES, including the opportunity to take an integrated approach to homecare that supports people to live independently at home.

Decision Maker: Health and Care Board

Made at meeting: 04/06/2019 - Health and Care Board

Decision published: 04/06/2019

Effective from: 12/06/2019


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Health and Care Board agreed to:


1)  Ratify the proposals which were agreed by the Joint Commissioning Committee at its meeting of 25th April, 2019, and are detailed in section 2 of this report relating to:

a.  Endorsing the framework and ‘innovation contract’ approach to homecare and actions identified to progress this

b.  Interim contractual arrangements to promote continuity of service while the framework is developed

2)  Note related funding recommendations agreed to come from the integrated Better Care Fund by the Joint Commissioning Committee on 25th April 2019:

a.  An independent fair price of care analysis for homecare

b.  Specialist support to develop innovation pilots and transformation to outcomes based commissioning in homecare.

Lead officer: Vincent Edwards, Alison Enever

03/06/2019 - West of England Waste Treatment procurement outcomes - approval to award contract ref: 1254    Approved

Following a competitive procurement process under EU regulations, the West of England Waste Partnership is now in a position to award the waste treatment contract which is to come into effect 1st April 2020 when the current contract expires. Approval is now required for the contract to be awarded.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Neighbourhood Services

Decision published: 04/06/2019

Effective from: 03/06/2019


The Cabinet Member agrees that:


The Council enter into three contracts as a party to the West of England Waste Partnership (the Partnership), for the provision of residual waste treatment from April 2020.


Lot 1 – Residual waste

a) A Contract with Viridor Waste Management Limited for treatment of up to 120,000 tonnes of residual waste across the partnership;

b) A Contract with SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Limited for treatment of up to 50,000 tonnes of residual waste across the partnership; and


Lot 2 – Bulky Waste, a Contract with ETM Recycling Limited for treatment of up to 45,500 tonnes of bulky residual waste across the partnership.


Delegates Authority to the Director of Environment to negotiate and enter into all necessary legal agreement relating to the operation of the Contracts including an Inter-Authority Agreement to deal with tonnages, extensions and termination.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sarah Alder