
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies, and officers.

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Decisions published

12/02/2018 - Parking CEO's Replacement HHCT, Bodycams & Radios (WL) ref: 1073    Approved

Refresh of end of life Hand Held Computers, to issue Parking PCNs, and body worn cameras and radio equipment essential to ensure H&S of Parking CEOs by reducing incidents physical and verbal abuse.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Finance and Efficiency

Decision published: 12/02/2018

Effective from: 20/02/2018


The Cabinet Members agree to fully approve the capital budget as set out below, to enable the replacement Civil Enforcement Officers equipment;


  £50k for the replacement of hand held computer terminals.

  £25k for the replacement of body worn video cameras.

  £28k for the replacement of radios.

Lead officer: Andrew Dunn

07/02/2018 - Adoption of a Parking Strategy and associated charges and the development of Odd Down Coach Park ref: 1066    Approved

An outline of the development of Parking and a Coach Parking Strategies and the steps taken to reach final draft documents.  The report includes proposed changes to parking charges in line with the outcomes identified in the draft Parking Strategy.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/02/2018

Effective from: 07/02/2018


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet:


2.1  Agreed with the proposed changes to parking charges set out in the Report which will be taken forward through the necessary statutory process, alongside the adoption of the Parking Strategy;


2.2  Approved the use of Odd Down Park & Ride for long stay coach parking.

Lead officer: Chris Major

07/02/2018 - Council Tax Discount for Care Leavers & Foster Carers ref: 1067    Approved

The Council has powers under Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 to reduce Council Tax by way of a discount for both Care leavers and Foster Carers.  This report will consider the options available and make recommendations.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/02/2018

Effective from: 15/02/2018


RESOLVED (unanimously) the Cabinet agreed:


2.1  That a class of reduction will be applied in accordance with the Bath & North East Somerset Care Leaver Relief Scheme detailed in the report.


2.2  That a class of reduction will be applied in accordance with the Bath & North East Somerset Foster Carers Relief Scheme detailed in the report.

Lead officer: Ian Savigar

07/02/2018 - Heritage Services Revised Business Plan 2018-2023 ref: 1071    Approved

The report introduces the third update of the rolling five-year Heritage Services business plan adopted by Cabinet in February 2015. 

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/02/2018

Effective from: 15/02/2018


RESOLVED (unanimously) the Cabinet agreed to:


2.1  Approve the Heritage Services Business Plan 2018-2023 (“The Plan”);


2.2  Confirm that it wishes Heritage Services to continue to work to the business principles agreed by the Council Executive in 2004, as amended.

Lead officer: Stephen Bird

07/02/2018 - Budget and Council Tax 2018/19 and Financial Outlook ref: 1072    Approved

This report presents the revenue and capital budgets for 2018/19 together with proposals for Council Tax and Adult Social Care Precept for 2018/19.


This was agreed at Council on 13th February 2018 as set out in the minutes.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/02/2018

Effective from: 07/02/2018


RESOLVED (unanimously) the Cabinet agreed to:


a)  The General Fund net revenue budget for 2018/19 of £113.271m and the individual service cash limits for 2018/19 as outlined in Annex 1.


b)  The savings and income generation plans outlined in Annex 2 in conjunction with the Equalities Impact Assessment Report in Annex 3 and thereby agrees to implement the Council’s draft Operational Plan which has been presented to each of the relevant PDS Panels.


c)  That the agreement of a revised TDC Profit share arrangement is delegated to the CEO in consultation with the S151 officer and Leader, with appropriate independent legal advice obtained, and on the basis this will generate a simpler approach and better return for the Council, but that any associated extension of the lease is subject to a separate executive decision.


d)  To help protect front line services and meet additional pressures in Children’s Services the budget includes a recommendation that Council Tax is increased by 1.95% in 2018/19 (an increase of £25.04 per Band D).


e)  An increase of 3% to Council Tax for the Adult Social Care Precept is approved in recognition of the current demands and financial pressures on this service. This is equivalent to an increase of £38.52 on a Band D property.


f)  That the release of reserves, including the Invest to Save Reserve is delegated to the Council’s S151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency and the Chief Executive.


g)  The transfers between reserves outlined in 5.5.1 and the adequacy of Un-earmarked Reserves at £12.2m within a risk assessed range requirement of £11.9m-£13.1m.


h)  The Efficiency Strategy attached at Annex 4 and delegation of the Leading Together Change Programme funding of £2.0m to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council.


i)  The Capital Programme for 2018/19 of £83.111m including the capital review outlined in 5.7.2, new and emerging capital bids outlined in Annex 5, planned sources of funding in 5.7.3, and notes the programme for 2019/20 to 2022/23 and that any wholly funded projects coming forward during the year will be added to the Capital Programme in line with the Budget Management Scheme.


j)  The delegation of implementation, subject to consultation where appropriate, of the capital programmes set out in Annex 5(ii) to Annex 5(iv) to the relevant Strategic Director or Divisional Director in Consultation with the appropriate Portfolio Holder.


k)  Approve the amended process for Provisional Capital Schemes to become Fully Approved Schemes as outlined in 5.7.3 and all other delegations as set out in the report. 


l)  The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allocations outlined in Annex 5(v).


m)  The MRP Policy attached at Annex 6.


n)  The Capital Prudential Indicators outlined in 5.7.5


o)  The Annual Pay Policy Statement at Annex 8.


p)  The Council Tax Support Scheme for 2018/19 shown in the following link  and referred to in 5.3.4.


q)  The additional one-off Adult Social Care Support Grant of £456k for 2018/19 announced in the final local government settlement is held within the Adult Social Care budget as contingency for any Social Care local provider market pressures that emerge during the year. Specific allocations of this funding are to be delegated to the Strategic Director – People & Communities in consultation with the S151 Officer and Cabinet Members for Finance & Efficiency & Adult Care, Health & Wellbeing.


2.2  That the Council include in its Council Tax setting, the precepts set and approved by other bodies including the local precepts of Town Councils, Parish Councils, and Charter Trustees of the City of Bath, and those of the Fire and Police Authorities.


2.3  That Cabinet note the S151 Officer’s report on the robustness of the proposed budget and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves outlined in 5.6.


2.4  Authorise the Council’s S151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Efficiency, to make any necessary changes to the draft budget proposal for submission to Council.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Donna Parham, Andrew Pate

07/02/2018 - Treasury Management Monitoring Report to 31st December 2017 ref: 1068    Approved

This report gives details of performance against the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy & Annual Investment Plan 2017/18 for the first nine months of 2017/18.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/02/2018

Effective from: 15/02/2018


RESOLVED (unanimously) the Cabinet agreed that:


2.1  The Treasury Management Report to 31st December 2017, prepared in accordance with the CIPFA Treasury Code of Practice, is noted;


2.2  The Treasury Management Indicators to 31st December 2017 are noted.



Lead officer: Jamie Whittard

07/02/2018 - Revenue & Capital Budget Monitoring, Cash Limits and Virements – April to December 2017 ref: 1070    Approved

This report presents the third monitoring information for the Authority as a whole for the financial year 2017/18 to the end of December 2017.  The report also includes a number of budget transfer requests for both revenue and capital.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/02/2018

Effective from: 15/02/2018


RESOLVED (unanimously) the Cabinet agreed that:


2.1  Strategic Directors should continue to work towards managing within budget in the current year for their respective service areas and develop an action plan of how this will be achieved, including not committing any unnecessary expenditure and stringent budgetary control.


2.2  This year’s revenue budget position as shown in paragraph 5.3 is noted.


2.3  The mitigations that will be required shown in paragraph 5.8, if the over budget position cannot be reduced by the end of the financial year, are noted.


2.4  The capital year end forecast detailed in paragraph 5.18 of this report, is noted.


2.5  The revenue virements listed for approval in Appendix 2(i) are agreed, and those listed for information are noted.


2.6  The changes in the capital programme listed in Appendix 3(i) are noted.


2.7  That £75,000 of provisionally approved capital budget for Cleveland Pools in 2017/18 is fully approved.

Lead officer: Jamie Whittard

07/02/2018 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2018/19 ref: 1069    Approved

The Local Government Act requires the Council to set out its Treasury Strategy for borrowing, and to prepare an Annual Investment Strategy, setting out the Council’s policies for managing its investments.


This was agreed at Council on 13th February 2018, as set out in the recommendations.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 07/02/2018 - Cabinet

Decision published: 07/02/2018

Effective from: 15/02/2018


RESOLVED (unanimously) the Cabinet agreed to:


2.1  Recommend the actions proposed within the Treasury Management Strategy Statement (Appendix 1) to February Council.


2.2  Recommend the Investment Strategy as detailed in Appendix 2 to February Council.


2.3  Note the Treasury Management Indicators detailed in Appendix 1 and delegate authority for updating the indicators prior to approval at Full Council on 13th February 2018 to the Chief Finance Officer and Cabinet Member for Finance & Efficiency, in light of any changes to the recommended budget as set out in the Budget Report elsewhere on the agenda for this meeting.


2.4  Note that any comments made by the Corporate Audit Committee at their meeting on the 8th February 2018 will be reported to Full Council on the 13th February 2018. 

Lead officer: Jamie Whittard, Donna Parham