Issue - decisions

Sustainable Construction & Retrofitting Supplementary Planning Document

14/02/2013 - Sustainable Construction & Retrofitting Supplementary Planning Document

(1) To ADOPT the Sustainable Construction and Retrofitting Supplementary Planning Document to supplement the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan, and then the Core Strategy once this is adopted;

(2) To AGREE that the Domestic Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Permitted Development Checklist will be made available on the Council’s website;

(3) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director of Planning & Transport Development to make graphic and minor textual amendments to the documents prior to adoption;

(4) To SUPPORT the future adoption of local Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Guidance for listed buildings in the next 6 months, following a further review of the draft document with English Heritage (and other stakeholders); and

(5) To AGREE that discussions will be held with other Local Authorities (and other interested parties) with a specific interest in approving energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in listed buildings, together with the relevant Government departments (DCMS and DCLG), with a view to identifying conservation and building regulations policy constraints and ways to overcome them.