Issue - decisions

Proposals for a Community Infrastructure Levy for Bath & North East Somerset

12/04/2012 - Proposals for a Community Infrastructure Levy for Bath & North East Somerset

(1) To AGREE that the draft charging schedule be amended so that in Table 2 of paragraph 4.21, the CIL Rate for Offices be amended from nil to £30 per m2;

(2) To APPROVE the preliminary draft charging schedule for a public consultation in April – June 2012;

(3) To DELEGATE responsibility to the Divisional Director of Planning & Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning, to make minor textual amendments prior to publication of the CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule for public consultation;

(4) To AGREE that a procedure be established to monitor annually and review the CIL to ensure rates remain appropriate and effective; and

(5) To ASK that following consultation on the preliminary draft charging schedule a further report is brought to Cabinet on the draft charging schedule.