Issue - decisions

Delivering Sustainable Economic Growth in Bath and North East Somerset

10/11/2011 - Delivering Sustainable Economic Growth in Bath and North East Somerset

(1) To AGREE that while the thrust of the Economic Strategy, launched in April 2010, remains valid and the basis for action, strengthened actions will be required to ensure it meets the current economic challenges faced by the District. These will include re-invigorated actions on business support, delivering regeneration schemes and promoting the District as a business location to promote local business and jobs growth.

(2) To NOTE the changes in National Government Economic Policy which led to the creation of the West of England Local Economic Partnership.

(3) To AGREE that the Council will actively engage with the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) in order to provide a strong voice in the sub region and nationally.

(4) To AGREE that following the launch of the LEP and the establishment of an Enterprise Zone at Bristol Temple Quarter and a recommendation for a series of Enterprise Areas in the West of England, that Bath City Riverside be designated as the B&NES Enterprise Area, as a key zone for economic growth, with the ability to deliver 65% of the District’s jobs growth by 2026 and therefore play a key role in providing jobs for local people. The Enterprise Area will be resourced through Development and Major Projects to bring forward its development opportunities.

(5) To ASK the Director for Development and Major Projects to develop a Plan to support the Council’s Placemaking Plan and delivery of the Bath City Riverside ‘City of Ideas’ Enterprise Area and setting out the options for financing its delivery, called "Planning the Future, Financing the Future", and exploring options for providing incentives to high growth business sectors; and to bring the Plan back to Cabinet in March 2012.

(6) To AGREE that the Bath and North East Somerset Sustainable Growth Alliance will be relaunched and re-named the Bath and North East Somerset Economic Partnership.  It will mirror the LEP structure and will focus on delivering the District’s key developments, including the Bath Enterprise Area. Its effectiveness will be reviewed after one year.

(7) To AGREE that in order to maximise the benefits to be gained from the New Homes Bonus, the Council will work with its partners, including the Homes and Communities Agency, to focus strongly on bringing forward the key housing led and mixed use sites in the District, all in accordance with the Core Strategy.