Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2011/12

03/02/2011 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2011/12

On a motion from Councillor Malcolm Hanney, seconded by Councillor Charles Gerrish, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously):

(1) To RECOMMEND the actions proposed within the Treasury Management Strategy Statement to February Council for approval;

(2) To RECOMMEND the borrowing and debt rescheduling strategy to February Council for approval;

(3) To RECOMMEND the Investment Strategy to February Council for approval;

(4) To RECOMMEND the proposed changes to the authorised lending lists to February Council for approval;

(5) To NOTE the Prudential Indicators and delegate authority for updating the indicators prior to approval at Full Council on 16th February 2010 to the Divisional Director - Finance and Cabinet Member for Resources, in light of any changes to the recommended budget.