Issue - decisions

The Story of B&NES and Actions to Deliver Smart Economic Growth in B&NES including Regeneration Delivery Plans

04/11/2010 - Smart Economic Growth in B&NES (including Regeneration Delivery Plans)

On a motion from Councillor Terry Gazzard seconded by Councillor Vic Pritchard it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that the ‘story’ be used as a coherent narrative that records the journey between 2005 and the present and sets aspirations for the future;

(2) To ADOPT the Local Economic Assessment as required by the 2009 Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act.  This will also provide an evidence base for our economic interventions and the emerging Core Strategy.

(3) To ASK the Director of Major Projects in consultation with the Leader of the Council to work with consultants to amend some minor inaccuracies in the report;

(4) To NOTE the growth aspirations to create 8,500 – 9,000 net new jobs as the Cabinet’s Economic Strategy in B&NES to 2026 and the interventions to deliver these, in particular those set out in the Regeneration Delivery Plans and that these be confirmed and completed together with the ‘story’ by the Strategic Director for Development and Major Projects in consultation with Cabinet members following confirmation of the Council’s agreement to this level of growth when it makes its decision on the Core Strategy at Council in December.