Issue - decisions

Current Financial Position

04/10/2010 - Outturn Report for 2009/10 and Budget Proposal 2010/11

Councillor Watt pointed out that a replacement financial report had been provided which showed a slightly amended overdraft and an explanatory note.  Copies of the replacement document had been provided in the public gallery.


Councillor Watt asked if there were any questions from the public.


Keith Davies asked how the £1500 for locking gates had been calculated, since on occasions the gates had been left unlocked all night.


Councillor Watt said that he would investigate the circumstances in which this had happened.  He observed that £1500 worked out at about £1.50 per visit, which he felt was extremely good value.


On a motion from Councillor Watt, seconded by Councillor Hawkins, it was




(1) To note the outturn for 2009/10; and


(2) To approve the budget for 2010/11.