Issue - decisions

Heritage Services Business Plan

14/03/2025 - Heritage Services Business Plan 2025-30

(1)  To approve the Heritage Services Business Plan 2025 – 2030.


(2)  To delegate approval to the Executive Director Sustainable Communities, in consultation with the S151 Finance Officer, to approve a capital budget of up to £2,135,000 towards the development of detailed designs (RIBA Stage 3) and associated work, to support the future redevelopment of the Fashion Museum Bath. This is in-line with the activity outlined in the Business Plan and the overall Council commitment to the project, included as part of the Council’s Capital Programme and recently approved as part of the Council’s budget setting for 2025/26.


(3)  To delegate approval to the Executive Director Sustainable Communities, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, S151 Finance Officer and Monitoring Officer to accept grant awards and philanthropic contributions made towards the Fashion Museum Bath project in-line with the fundraising strategy identified in the Heritage Services Business Plan.