Issue - decisions

Fixed Penalty Notice charging schedule re Public Space Protection Orders (for anti-social behaviour related to alcohol) (WL)

19/12/2024 - Fixed Penalty Notice charging schedule re Public Space Protection Orders (for anti-social behaviour related to alcohol) (WL)

1)  To set the Fixed Penalty charge for breach of Public Spaces Protection Orders at the following levels:


·  Penalty Amount: Set the maximum Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) amount for breach of PSPO at £100, to be paid within 28 days of notice being issued.


·  Early Payment Reduction: Offer a reduced penalty of £75 if the payment is made within 14 days of the FPN being issued.


2)  To consider the legislative requirement for FPNs, as outlined in the Statutory Considerations section of the report.


3)  To ensure transparency and formal documentation of this decision through the Single Member Decision process.


(4)  To agree that the implementation of all future changes to PSPO Fixed Penalty charges are delegated to and implemented by the Director of People and Change, or any successor or equivalent role to that post in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.