Issue - decisions
Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Side Roads Order
15/11/2024 - Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Side Roads Order
(1) To authorise the making of a Side Roads Order (SRO) pursuant to sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980 to secure authority for the SRO Works (as defined at para 5.8 of the report) which are required to enable implementation of the Highway Works (as defined at para 5.5 of the report).
(2) To authorise the making of a Traffic Regulation Order(s) (TRO) pursuant to the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 to enable the TRO Measures which are required to govern the use of the highways network required to accommodate the Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ).
(3) To authorise all necessary steps to be taken to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the SRO and any TROs including the publication and service of all notices, requisitions for information, statement of reasons and the preparation and presentation of the Council’s case at any public inquiry required to secure confirmation of the SRO by the Secretary of State for Transport.
(4) To note and give due regard in determining whether or not to authorise the promotion of the SRO and any TROs, the public sector equality duty contained in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (“PSED”) and the requirements of the Human Rights Act 1998, as detailed further in section 11 of the report.
(5) To delegate authority to the Executive Director of Sustainable Communities to (i) approve any changes to the SRO Works and (ii) make any necessary amendments to the SRO which may be required to enable the delivery of the Highway Works, including as detailed design of the SVEZ progresses.
(6) To delegate authority to the Executive Director of Sustainable Communities to authorise the final requirements of the TRO(s) which are required to facilitate the delivery of the SVEZ.
(7) To authorise the instruction of the SVEZ Project Team and its legal advisers, Burges Salmon LLP, to prepare and serve such documentation as may be required for the SRO and any TRO(s).
(8) To note the ongoing progress which has been made towards the acquisition of land required to develop the SVEZ Scheme and the previous decisions outlined in the report.