Issue - decisions

Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Contract Award (WL)

09/09/2024 - Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Contract Award (WL)

(1)  To delegate to the Director of Adult Social Care, in consultation with the Lead Member for Adult Services, the decision to contract for the delivery of Integrated Community Based Care for Children, Young People and Adults services as from April 2025 in accordance with the outcome of the tender exercise currently being co-commissioned with the Integrated Care Board and other Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Local Authorities as detailed in the report.


(2)  Subject to (1) to agree ‘in principle’ to commit B&NES and Better Care Funding of £5,062,923 (2025/26) to the Integrated Care Board Integrated Community Based Care for Children, Young People, and Adults contract from 2025-2032 (with a potential for a further 2 years to 2034). The total funding commitment over the initial 7-year contract term from B&NES is £35,440,461. The overall contract is a fixed envelope. Within this there will be annualised uplifts by the cost uplift factor for the NHS and BCF element in line with National operating guidance as published. So, any Local Authority funding is not subject to an automatic uplift.


(3)  Subject to (1) to appoint the Director of Adult Social Care to be the Council’s representative on the Collaborative Oversight Forum as required in the Collaborative Commissioning Agreement (Principle 2.1.3 and clause 5) and delegate to the Director the power to appoint other B&NES officers to sub groups of that body to ensure appropriate governance arrangements are put in place to support shared leadership and accountability for the Collaborative, and to build a strong working relationship and culture of trust between the Collaborative.