Issue - decisions

Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Renewal

13/09/2024 - Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) renewal

(1)  In the light of the outcome of the consultation, and consideration of the legislative criteria for adopting Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs), to make the Bath City Order and Midsomer Norton Order as set out in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 of the report.


(2)  To request the Head of Legal Services, or an authorised signatory on their behalf, to sign and seal the Bath City Order and the Midsomer Norton Order.


(3)  To request the Head of Corporate Office to undertake publicity relating to any agreed Order.


(4)  To request the Community Safety Partnership to receive regular monitoring reports on the impact of the PSPOs, including equality impacts, and updates on support and treatment available for people who misuse alcohol, including street drinkers.


(5)  To thank those who were involved in the consultation process and publicise the outcomes of the consultation.


(6)  To agree that the decisions for future PSPO Order Renewals for Bath City and Midsomer Norton should be dealt with as single member decisions.