Issue - decisions

School Investment supporting Safety Valve - Culverhay

07/06/2024 - Culverhay - Education Provision supporting the Safety Valve

(1) To approve in principle the deployment of the Culverhay site for continued educational use to provide:


(a)  SEND Free Special School contracted with Three Ways Academy Trust


(b)  Alternative Provision School contracted with Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Trust


(2)  To approve in principle the release of surplus land for non-educational use to achieve best value for the Council.


(3)  To progress early clearance, demolition and site preparation to ready the site for school delivery.


(4) To approve £200K for a Culverhay Re-provision for Project Feasibility Team from Schools Improvement Basic Needs Grant.


(5) To delegate:


(a)  The decision on preferred delivery option to officers in consultation with portfolio holders and the Cabinet Member for Resources.


(b)  The decision on commitments to fund abnormal costs and additional requirements from Council Basic Need and SEND grant funding to the Director of Education in consultation with the Section 151 Officer.