Issue - decisions

Fixed Penalty Notices for Environmental and Anti-Social Behaviour Offences (WL)

05/08/2024 - Fixed Penalty Notices for Environmental and Anti-Social Behaviour Offences (WL)

(1)  To set the fixed penalty charges at the level specified in the table below:





FixedPenalty Charge

Dropping litter in the street orany placeopen tothe air to which the public have

access,or litteringfrom a vehicle

£200(£150 ifpaid within 14 days)

Not putting out domesticwasteorrecyclingproperly


Not putting commercial orindustrialwasteoutproperly – EPA section 47


Givinghousehold wasteto an unlicensedcompanyfor disposal


Failure to produce a wastetransfernote forcommercial waste


Fly tipping – bag/sack of domestic/commercialwaste left next to a litter bin


Flytipping – Individual

flytippingownhousehold waste


Flytipping – All other incidentsnot covered above


Allowingyour dogto foula street or public space






Unauthorised distribution of literatureon designatedland


Failureto complywith

aCommunityProtection Noticeissued for an environmental related offence.



(2)  To agree that the implementation of all future changes to Fixed Penalty charges are delegated to and implemented by the Director of Place Management, or any successor or equivalent role to that post, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.