Issue - decisions

CIL for Bath Advisory Board Recommendations Round Fifteen (WL)

09/01/2024 - CIL for Bath Advisory Board Recommendations Round Fifteen (WL)

The Cabinet Member agrees the following allocations:


·  An allocation of £75,000 to Bath City Football Club towards the cost of a FIFA Quality PRO all-weather pitch at Twerton Park stadium in the ward of Twerton.


·  An allocation of £40,000 to Curo Housing Group for the installation of swings, toddler equipment, flooring, and the enhancement of an existing Whiteway Green Park.


·  An allocation of £60,000 over three years to Bath Preservation Trust to continue in delivering projects through The Bath World Heritage Enhancement Fund.


·  An allocation £27,100 to Weston Community Library in order to carry out necessary refurbishments and cover rental costs for the next decade.


·  An allocation of £47,000 to support the work of The Student Community Partnership Community Warden and Administrator for an additional year.


·  An allocation of £14,000 to BaNES Allotment Association to support funding of communal projects that would include the creation of smaller plots and micro sites.