Issue - decisions

Budget and Council Tax 2024/25 and Financial Outlook

09/02/2024 - Budget and Council Tax 2024/25 and Financial Outlook

(1)  To recommend Council to approve:


·  The General Fund net revenue budget for 2024/25 of £135.85m and the individual service cash limits for 2024/25 as outlined in Annex 1 of the report.


·  The savings and income plans outlined in Annex 2(i), funding requirements 2(ii), in conjunction with the Equalities Impact Assessment Report in Annex 3 of the report.


·  An increase in Council Tax of 2.99% in 2024/25 (an increase of £49.45 per Band D property or 95p per week).


·  An increase of 2% to Council Tax for the Adult Social Care Precept in recognition of the current demands and financial pressures on this service. This is equivalent to an increase of £33.07 on a Band D property (64p per week).


·  The movement in reserves outlined in section 5.6 and the adequacy of Un-earmarked Reserves at £12.58m within a risk assessed range requirement of £12.3m - £13.6m.


·  To note the Children’s Services management plan set out in section 5.2.7 of the report.


·  The Efficiency Strategy attached at Annex 4 of the report.


·  The Capital Programme for 2024/25 of £71.91m including new and emerging capital bids outlined in Annex 5(i), planned sources of funding in 5.8.3, and notes the programme for 2025/26 to 2028/29 and that any wholly funded projects coming forward during the year will be added to the Capital Programme in line with the Budget Management Scheme.


·  The delegation of implementation, subject to consultation where appropriate, of the capital programmes set out in Annex 5(i) to Annex 5(iv) to the relevant Director in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Portfolio Holder.


·  The schedule of asset disposals as set out in section 5.8.2 and delegates the final disposal decision to the Head of Commercial and/or Corporate Estate in consultation with the S151 Officer and appropriate Cabinet Portfolio Holder.


·  The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allocations and amendments outlined in Annex 5(v).


·  The Capital & Investment Strategy attached at Annex 6 of the report.



·   The MRP Policy attached at Annex 7 of the report.


·  The Capital Prudential Indicators outlined in 5.8.7 of the report.


·  The Annual Pay Policy Statement at Annex 8 of the report.


·  The Community Contribution Fund extension outlined section 5.5 of the report.


·  The Council Tax Support Scheme for 2024/25 shown in the following link: and referred to in 5.3.5 of the report.


·  The Fees and Charges schedule for 2024/25 at Annex 11 of the report and support its publication following approval of the budget, with delegation to amend individual costs within the schedule in line with market needs, to the Director of Place Management, in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Portfolio Holder.


·  The additional Social Care Grant of £1,520,318 announced in the final local government finance settlement is allocated to fund a £1,101,302 Adult Social Care contingency and a £419,016 Children’s Services contingency for managing in year budget risk. The additional Services Grant of £14,638 is used to increase the corporate inflation contingency to £1.01m.


(2)  To agree that the Council include in its Council Tax setting, the precepts set and approved by other bodies including the local precepts of Town Councils, Parish Councils, and Charter Trustees of the City of Bath, and those of the Fire and Police Authorities.


(3)  To note the S151 Officer’s report on the robustness of the proposed budget and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves outlined in 5.7 of the report.


(4)  To note the budget consultation responses set out in Annex 10 of the report.


(5)  To authorise the Council’s S151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources, to make any necessary changes to the draft budget proposal for submission to Council.