Issue - decisions

Entry Hill Depot Site, Entry Hill, Bath BA2 5NA – Recommendation for Disposal (WL)

13/04/2023 - Entry Hill Depot Site, Entry Hill, Bath BA2 5NA – Recommendation for Disposal (WL)

(1)  To determine that the Entry Hill Depot site be disposed of by lease or sale on the basis that it is limited to employment use only.


(2)  To delegate to the Head of Corporate Estate in consultation with the Section 151 Officer the power to enter into a direct lease and/or sale to a local employer subject to:


(a)  a Red Book RICS valuation

(b)  Overage provisions



NOTE: This decision was called-in on 20th April 2023 by 16 councillors.  The call-in request was verified by the Chief Executive and the Monitoring Officer.


The call-in will be heard by the Corporate PDS Panel on 11th July 2023.