Issue - decisions

Shortlist for the Temple Cloud Liveable Neighbourhood Area (WL)

09/03/2023 - Shortlist for the Temple Cloud Liveable Neighbourhood Area (WL)

(1)  To proceed with the shortlist of interventions set out in paragraphs3.8 of the report:


a)  Improvements to the footpath between Temple Cloud and Clutton;


b)  Provision of benches and other furniture around Temple Cloud Playing Field;


c)  Pedestrian priority crossings on Temple Inn Lane;


d)  A controlled crossing on the A37 in the South of the village;


e)  Improvements to the footpath between Cameley Surgery and the north of the village (Camley Surgery to Village Hall);


f)  The provision of street lighting along the St Barnabas’ Church footpath and Brandown Close;


g)  A reduces speed limit of 30mph through Temple Bridge;


h)  A community gateway at the Temple Inn Lane entrance to the village; and


i)  Link Temple Cloud to Temple Bridge to help facilitate a circular route and better connectivity.


And in paragraph 3.9 of the report:


a)  Extend the 30mph speed limit on Temple Inn Lane; and


b)  Improvements to the footpath between the north-east and south of the village (Eastcourt Road to Village Hall)



Now taking them forward to preliminary design and engagement.


(2)  To note that the proposed shortlist is based on work done with these communities to first identify their needs and then co-design potential solutions to address those needs, as summarised in Appendix A of the report.


(3)  To note that the proposed shortlist was next subject to technical review, both in terms of alignment with the Liveable Neighbourhoods strategy and other factors such as cost, practicalities and timelines, as summarised in Appendix B of the report.


(4)  To note that the proposed shortlist was then referenced back to the applications put forward by ward councillors in Spring 2021 to ensure that the package of interventions satisfied the aims of the original proposals.


(5)  To note the opportunity to “fast track” the shortlisted interventions set out in paragraph 3.12 of the report:


a)  Improvementto thefootpath betweenCameley Surgery and the north of the village (Camley Surgery to Village Hall);


b)  Improvementsto thefootpath betweenthe north-eastand south of the village (Eastcourt Road to Village Hall); and


c)  Theprovision ofstreet lightingalong theSt Barnabas’Church footpath and Brandown Close.


(6)  To note that the ability to proceed is subject to funding being available for the design, engagement, consultation and implementation work required because of this decision.


(7)  Note that the ability to proceed is subject to funding being available for the design, engagement, consultation and implementation work required because of this decision.