Issue - decisions

Southlands Liveable Neighbourhood Area and Programme Financial Approvals (WL)

12/01/2023 - Southlands Liveable Neighbourhood Area and Programme Financial Approvals (WL)

(1)  In respect of the Southlands Liveable Neighbourhood area:


·  To proceed with the shortlist of interventions set out in paragraphs 3.8 and 3.9 of the report, now taking them forward to preliminary design and engagement.


·  To note that the proposed shortlist is based on work done with communities to first identify their needs and then to co-design potential solutions to address those needs, as summarised in Appendix A of the report.


·  To note that the proposed shortlist was next subject to technical review, both in terms of alignment with the Liveable Neighbourhoods strategy and other factors such as cost, practicalities, and timelines, as summarised in Appendix B of the report.


·  To note that the proposed shortlist was then referenced back to the applications put forward by ward councillors in Spring 2021 to ensure that the package of interventions satisfied the aims of the original proposal.


·  To note the opportunity to “fast track” shortlisted interventions where they are non-contentious or already well supported, and either statutory consultation is not required due to the nature of the proposed intervention, or implementation could proceed as a trial under an experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) or be implemented under a 21-Day Notice (see also section 4 of the report).


·  To note that the ability to proceed is subject to funding being available for the design, engagement, consultation and implementation work required as a result of this decision.


(2)  In respect of the wider Liveable Neighbourhood programme financial approvals:


·  To approve spend of £1.640m (£1.2m to be funded from the B&NES Liveable Neighbourhood (LN) Provisional Programme and a £440k grant from WECA funded from the programme’s CRSTS allocation) to deliver the Full Business Case (FBC) for the Liveable Neighbourhood programme.  The FBC will include preliminary designs for the shortlisted interventions across the LN project, which have been identified following co-design with communities in the 15 areas (of which Southlands is one).


·  To delegate approval to the Director of Sustainable Communities, in consultation with the s151 officer, to accept the £440k WECA grant when it is provided.  Until then, to cashflow the costs incurred through approval of other allocations in the Council’s capital programme to be repaid as soon as the WECA grant is released, which is expected to be in early 2023.