Issue - decisions

Milsom Quarter, Bath

10/11/2022 - Milsom Quarter Masterplan - Funding and Next Steps

(1)  To delegate approval to the Director of Sustainable Communities, in consultation with the S151 Officer, to accept the £2.475m Investment Fund grant from the West of England Combined Authority. These funds will be spent over a three-year period in line with the Strategic Outline Business Case.

(2)  To delegate approval to implement the interventions set out within the business case to the Director of Sustainable Communities in consultation with the Cabinet member for Resources and Economic Development and the S151 Officer in accordance with the requirements of the Grant Funding Agreement.

(3)  To note the Consultation Report on the Milsom Quarter Masterplan (Appendix 1 of the report) and to endorse the Milsom Quarter Masterplan, accepting it together with the amendments sought (Appendix 2 of the report) as part of the evidence base for the New Local Plan.

(4)  To delegate approval to the Director of Sustainable Communities, in consultation with the s151 Officer, to establish arrangements that will allow surplus rental income from the Old Post Office (after holding costs) to be ring-fenced for use to support revenue costs associated with the Fashion Museum redevelopment project and to cross-subsidise meanwhile use projects which align with the vision and values for the Fashion Museum development.

(5)  To explore options, including the use of any existing or new powers introduced to support vibrant High Streets in the forthcoming Levelling up and Regeneration Bill, to expediate delivery of sites in private ownership that have viability challenges or have been long term vacant.

(6)  To instruct officers to explore all options (including for example, Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) options) available to enable the historic former King Edward’s School building to be brought back into use and to ask officers to bring back an update report on those options to the Cabinet meeting in February 2023.