Issue - decisions
Rule 4 and Rule 16 - COVID-19 Business Support Grants: Additional Restrictions Grant Policy (January 2022)
24/01/2022 - Rule 4 and Rule 16 - COVID-19 Business Support Grants: Additional Restrictions Grant Policy (January 2022)
The Cabinet Member agrees that
Approval is given for the Additional Restrictions Grant revised policy as set out in Annex 1
To delegate the application of the grant fund to the Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the CX, and the Monitoring Officer to ensure the grant is distributed within the £366k ARG funding allocation, with fair distribution across the eligible business groups
This decision is to be made under part 4C Rule 4 and Part 4B Rule 16 of the council’s constitution as an urgent decision. This matter is urgent because the council needs to implement the Additional Restrictions Grant Scheme at pace to allow the grant application process to be opened as soon as possible. This will allow support to businesses impacted by the rise in case numbers of the Omicron Covid 19 variant to be provided as quickly as possible.