Issue - decisions

Adoption West Contract Extension

01/04/2022 - Adoption West Contract Extension

1.  To note that all other 5 Local Authority owners of Adoption West have approved the contract extension through their respective Executives.

2.  To approve the extension of the Commissioning Agreement with Adoption West for the delivery of services as per the original contractual specification, by 5 years until 28 February 2027; and directs the Director Of Children’s Services and Education  in consultation with the Directors of Finance, and Legal and Democratic Services and in consultation with the Cabinet member for Children's Services and Education  to agree in writing, in accordance with clause 3.2 of the Commissioning Agreement, a five year contract extension and execute any and all related documents required to implement that extension.

3.  To note that the AW Board, which Mary Kearney-Knowles, Director of Children’s Services and Education is part of; is unanimously supportive of the contract extension. This recognises that Adoption West is realising its potential, and delivers a good quality, consistent offer for children and adoptive families across its operational footprint.