Issue - decisions

Cleveland Bridge update and options report

09/09/2021 - Cleveland Bridge update and options report

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:


1)  Work with Wiltshire and Dorset Councils and the Sub-Regional Transport Board (STB) Western Gateway to complete a strategic study into north-south connectivity between the M4 and the Dorset Coast with an aim of making the A350 the strategic route and limiting HGV use of Cleveland Bridge as part of the Governments Road Investment Strategy 2 (2020-25).

2)  Assess and review the position after completion of the study, recognising that any investment that would resolve the core issue would be considered, at the earliest, as part of the Road Investment Strategy 3 which covers the period 2025-30. The study would also inform discussions between BANES and the other stakeholders. It is considered that this approach is the one most likely to result in a positive outcome for both B&NES and the other stakeholders involved.

3)  Continue to make representations to Government about the need to improve the traffic situation at Cleveland Bridge, highlighting the changes to road conditions within Bath and the wider area since 2012 such as the changes to the A350 as part of the planned improvement and upgrade and the introduction of the Clean Air Zone in Bath.

4)  Officers are requested to:

  A.  Prepare a draft Traffic Regulation Order seeking to restrict HGV movements over Cleveland Bridge in order to preserve or improve the amenity of the area through which the road runs, in this case the grade 2* listed Cleveland Bridge structure and environs including the London Road and Bathwick St, in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

  B.  Investigate and consider any other options that may exist for achieving a similar end to a TRO and report on both actions including the draft TRO to the November meeting of this Cabinet.

  C.  Consult with appropriate heritage and amenity groups in Bath including Residents’ Associations in the course of preparation of the TRO.