Issue - decisions

Bath Clean Air Plan- update

09/09/2021 - Bath Clean Air Plan- update

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:


1)  Note the successful launch and implementation of the CAZ during a global pandemic, the success in upgrading the local scheduled bus fleet and the successful response to the Financial Assistance Scheme to bring forward the replacement of non-compliant vehicles.

2)  Note the positive progress which has been made towards improving air quality and associated public health outcomes, together with increasing the proportion of compliant vehicles entering the CAZ and discharging the Ministerial Directions.

3)  Delegate authority to the Director of Place Management to make any non-material changes to, and authorise the adoption of, the Bath Clean Air Zone Charging (Variation) Order, and for it to have effect from the date of sealing.

4)  Note the performance of the scheme against the scheme financial model, ensuring it covers its costs of operation and avoids placing an additional burden on the Council and local taxpayers.