Issue - decisions

Liveable Neighbourhoods

23/06/2021 - Liveable Neighbourhoods

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:


1.  Approve the priority list of phase 1 liveable neighbourhood areas to be progressed as outlined in section 3.11 to 3.12 of this report.

2.  Note schemes will be considered in consultation with other workstreams.

3.  Approve expenditure of £1m from £2.2m allocation (£1,700k in 2021/22 and £500k in 2022/23) for liveable neighbourhoods within the Transportation Delivery Programme Provisional Approval.  This will provide funding to support project activity outlined in 3.14 up to detailed design in 2021/22 and provide some funding to deliver priority schemes that are aligned with other portfolio priorities and capable of early implementation.

4.  Full approval of balance of funding for programme delivery to be delegated for approval by the Director of Place Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Climate and Sustainable Travel and the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Resources as schemes become ready for implementation.