Issue - decisions

Bath City Centre High Street Renewal

20/07/2021 - Bath City Centre High Street Renewal

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:


1  Delegate approval to the Director of Place Management, in consultation with the s151 officer, to accept the £1,235K Love our High Streets grant from WECA to be spent over a five year period in line with the Full Business Case and concept design approved.  This will allow full approval of confirmed capital of £1,102k for Bath City Centre High Street Renewal and provides £240K for revenue budget support as outlined in section 5 of this report. 


2  Delegate approval to the Director of Place Management, in consultation with the s151 officer, to accept £255k from the WECA Recovery grant offered to deliver phase 2 capital works to bring vacant shops back into active use for cultural and commercial and arts initiatives as part of the ‘vacant unit action project’.  The split between this programme and Commercial Estate Refurbishment and revenue budget support to be confirmed.