Issue - decisions

Chew Valley Lake Recreational Trail

04/02/2021 - Chew Valley Lake Recreational Trail

The Cabinet Members agree that

1.  The provisional Capital programme item for Chew Valley Recreational Trail is changed from £1,000,000 to £1,519,285.

  £60,000 for 2020/21 and £1,459,285 for 2021/22.

2.  The approval to the Director of Partnership and Corporate Services is delegated in consultation with the S151 Finance officer is to;

i)  Enter funding agreement with WECA to fund investment in the Chew Valley Recreational Trail and demonstrate compliance with the pre-commencement funding project specific conditions of WECA & Rural Payments Agency funding.

 ii).  Move provisional capital approved to full approval upon entry to Funding Agreements and commitment to proceed with expenditure.