Issue - decisions

Property Services - Service Review

10/12/2020 - Property Services - Service Review

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:


1)  Note the content of this report and endorse the focus for our proposed actions (2021):

·  A review of the council’s Commercial Estate and note the principles for the review outlined in section 3.2.4

·  Endorse the principles of the ‘Preparing for the Future Programme’, to reconfigure our Operational (office) Estate (3.3.2)

·  The production of a new Corporate Estate Strategy and

·  A redesign of our estates, maintenance and construction etc functions to enable us to be in the best position to respond to our place shaping and renewal agenda, in support of our communities as we move into Covid recovery in 2021


2)  Delegate decisions relating to the estate to the Cabinet Member for Resources, in consultation with the council’s Chief Operating Officer, Section 151 Officer and Senior Officers in Estates; and


3)  Engage the Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel in the emerging Corporate Estates Strategy.