Issue - decisions

Keynsham High Street Renewal Programme

04/09/2020 - Keynsham High Street Renewal Programme

The Cabinet Members agreed to;

1.1  Agree acceptance of the £1.100m High Street Heritage Action Zone grant from Historic England. This requires the submission of a delivery plan before 1st September 2020.

1.2  Fully approve the revised budget of £3.658m for the Keynsham High Street public realm scheme reflecting the inclusion of grant and third-party funding as set out in section 5.

1.3  Note that the Delivery Plan (Appendix 2) includes a masterplanning exercise to assess the evidence and feedback from the current COV-19 High Street access restrictions.

1.4  Note a provisional budget of £150k will reflect future CIL funding for this project considered as part of the CIL allocation in the 2021/22 budget-setting.