Issue - decisions

RULE 15 Bath Riverside Land and Infrastructure Investment

29/08/2019 - RULE 15 Bath Riverside Land and Infrastructure Investment

The Cabinet Member and Leader  agree to;


a.  Increase the Provisional Capital programme item for Bath Western Riverside from £12.5M to £29.8M to incorporate additional external funding allocations from WECA and Homes England;


b.  Delegate the approval to the Director of Economy and Growth in consultation with the S151 Finance officer to;


I.  Enter funding agreements with Homes England and WECA to fund infrastructure and land investment in the future phase of Bath Riverside on the former gas lands and Council waste site.


II.  Move provisional capital approved to full approval upon entry to Funding Agreements and commitment to proceed on infrastructure expenditure.


III.  Recycle initial investment in enabling infrastructure to support the Council’s aims to deliver additionality to affordable housing provision and school delivery as part of the future project outcomes.


c.  Approve the execution of actions under the Council’s Corporate Agreement with Crest entered in 2010 to exercise its pre-emption to acquire undeveloped land within the Bath Western Riverside project (the Site).



d.  Delegate to the Director of Economy and Growth the power to appropriate for planning purposes the Site (pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972) and to exercise the power, if required, under Section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 (“Section 203”) to facilitate the carrying out of the development of the Site.