Issue - decisions

School Transport - Increase in the charges to Denominational Transport and the Fare Paying Charge for non-entitled students from September 2017

27/04/2017 - School Transport - Increase in the charges to Denominational Transport and the Fare Paying Charge for non-entitled students from September 2017

The Cabinet Member agrees:


1)  The increase for all fare paying and denominational transport from £300 to £480 per annum from September 2017.

2)  To retain the 50% subsidy for second or third children from families who have more than one child travelling and who are travelling as  fare paying or denominational passengers in 2016/17, until those children complete the current (either primary or secondary) phase of their education or become the sole fare paying pupil from that family (whichever occurs sooner).

3)  That this means that applications for fare-paying places for any child who was not already travelling in 2016/2017 will incur the full charge of £480 regardless of siblings.

4)  To retain the exemption for low income families travelling on fare paying and denominational transport.

5)  To review the charge annually. Increases will be agreed through the Council’s budget setting process.