Issue - decisions

Review of the Council's waste & recycling collection service

14/07/2016 - Review of the Council's waste & recycling collection service

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet decided:


1)  To implement in 2017, following a period of public engagement, a new waste & recycling collection service using tried and tested methodology, which prioritises a weekly recycling service and most closely meets the Council’s objectives detailed within the Waste Strategy.


2)  To ensure the retention of a weekly collection service, continuing to deliver one of the most comprehensive recycling services in the UK which includes the following items:

·  Food waste

·  Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays

·  Glass

·  Paper and cardboard

·  Aluminium and steel cans

·  Aerosols

·  Foil

·  Tetrapaks

·  Textiles

·  Batteries

·  Small electrical and electronic items

·  Spectacles/mobile phones/used engine oil.


3)  To provide residents with additional recycling containers (lidded green boxes and lockable food waste containers) as required, to enable easy storage and collection of this material. To clearly mark the boxes so it is easy to understand what can be collected.


4)  To phase out the current blue bag for cardboard over time, and replace with a recycling box to help with storage and collection for residents.


5)  To continue with the opt-in fortnightly garden waste recycling service.


6)  To collect the small amount of non-recyclable waste that remains after all of these materials are recycled, every other week (detailed in section 6) in containers provided by the Council.


7)  To issue residents with a wheeled bin (at properties that can accommodate them), so that waste can be stored and presented safely for collection, whilst also being better protected from gulls and other scavengers to reduce problems with littering.


8)  To issue all other properties (those which are unable to accommodate a wheeled bin, or are within an area deemed unsuitable for wheeled bins) with reusable, durable and pest-proof rubbish bags (where practical) to help reduce street litter.


9)  To agree that the default size for wheeled bins should be 140 litres, whilst recognising that a ‘one size fits all’ approach is not possible in a diverse district with a multitude of housing types, and to therefore instructthe Divisional Director of Environmental Services to work up alternative proposals that will enable households with larger families/ occupancies to request a larger bin, with the details and criteria of the scheme to be delegated to theDivisional Director of Environmental Service in consultation with the Cabinet member for Community Services.


10)To delegate and instruct the Divisional Director of Environmental Services in consultation with the Cabinet member for Community Services, to enter negotiations for a short term extension (up to 2 years) to the recycling contract with Kier (pending site consolidation for the refuse and recycling services) - subject to agreement on the financial and staffing arrangements. Failing this agreement, the Divisional Director of Environmental Services are instructed to make arrangements to bring the kerbside recycling service in-house.


11)To agree that the Divisional Director of Environmental Services to carry out further detailed work into vehicle & plant replacement on the recommended option, and to report back to Cabinet members to enable decisions to be taken to release the capital required.


12)To agree a neutral budget movement through implementation of strategic review proposals initially highlighted within the Place Directorate Plan in November 2015.