Issue - decisions

Combined Authority and Devolution for the West of England

30/06/2016 - Combined Authority and Devolution Proposals

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet:


1.  Agreed to proceed with the devolution deal as set out in the governance scheme

a)  Note the West of England Devolution Agreement (Appendix 1 to the report);

b)  Consider the Governance Review for the West of England 2016 (Appendix 2 to the report) conducted under s.108 of the 2009 Act and agree the conclusion that the establishment of a Mayoral Combined Authority for the area of Bath and North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council, would be likely to improve the exercise of statutory functions in relation to the area and secure the offer within the devolution agreement;

c)  Consider the proposed Governance Scheme for a Mayoral Combined Authority (Appendix 3 to the report) and agree to publish the Scheme for public consultation under s.109 of the 2009 Act (as amended);

d)  Authorise the Chief Executive to subsequently submit to the Secretary of State;

  i.  the Governance Scheme;

  ii.  the consultation responses received (or an appropriate summary); and

  iii.  any further consultation response that the Council itself may wish to make to the Secretary of State for the Department of Communities and Local Government;


e)  Authorise the Chief Executive to make any minor amendments or corrections to the governance scheme to enable publication of the scheme for public consultation.


f)  Refer any resulting Order to Cabinet for approval.


2.  Agreed, following the debate at the Full Council, to include that:


a)  The devolution deal must not be solely about economic growth, but rather must give substantial importance to reducing inequality and enhancing environmental sustainability. Therefore equality and environmental sustainability must be given meaningful weightings in the economic model, in both the criteria used for selecting projects to benefit from devolved funds, and the metrics that determine whether the projects have been successful.

b)  A sufficient level of support must be given to the Scrutiny and Audit roles of the new Combined Authority to allow it to be fully effective and independent from the executive.

c)  The membership of Scrutiny and Audit roles of the new combined authorities must be chosen in a way that ensures fair representation for all political groups across the region and equal representation of all authorities, should appropriately reflect the scrutiny roles that members hold on the individual authorities, and must be chosen in a clear and transparent manner.

d)  In addition to the consultation response from members of the public, a response to the Secretary of State will be compiled on behalf of members of the Council, to reflect the views of;

  i.  The relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees

  ii.  The Bath City Forum and other Area Forums

  iii.  Each Political Group and

  iv.  Individual Councillors

With all Councillors who wish to be involved being given sight of anonymised feedback from the public consultation exercise.