Issue - decisions

Bath Quays Capital Approvals

03/06/2016 - Bath Quays Capital Approvals

The Cabinet Members agree:


1.1  To fully approve Capital Items for Bath Quays totalling £12.057M identified within the Council’s adopted Capital Programme (2016/17), comprising;

(1)   Bath Quays Bridge:  £3.137m for Bath Quays Bridge within Bath’s Enterprise Area and to the development and implementation of cycle schemes to improve links between the Bath Quays Bridge, the Enterprise Area and other areas of Bath.

(2)  Bath Quays North:

i)  £5.27m to fund enabling infrastructure on and off site. (£1.05m for the design element of Bath Quays infrastructure, £1.8m for construction of coach parking at Odd Down, £2.42m for construction of a replacement coach drop off and utility supplies).

ii)  £0.65m to fund design development of Bath Quays ‘pioneer’ office building and multi storey car park as a council investment asset.

iii)  £1m for delivery partner procurement, including set up of a delivery vehicle, for Bath Quays.

(3)  Bath Quays South: £2m to fund design development, land acquisition and planning of Bath Quays South. for delivery of BMT headquarters as a tenant in a Council owned office building and to facilitate a serviced residential plot

1.2  To allocate £250k from the financial planning reserve to support short term revenue losses in the years before the project is able to generate income.

1.3  The Strategic Director for Place in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development and Strategic Director of Resources, with appropriate s151 review and sign off, is authorised to:

(1)  Progress enabling activities encompassing the re-provision of car and coach parking to replace Avon Street, demolitions, highway and strategic utility infrastructure, and related disposal activities in order to bring the site forward for the development of office and other mixed uses in line with the Enterprise Area Masterplan.

(2)  Develop the necessary business cases, submit and enter funding agreements with the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for Bath Quay’s to utilise identified funding sources comprising Economic Development Funding, Revolving Infrastructure Funding and Local Growth Funding.