Issue - decisions

Park and Ride East of Bath

25/01/2017 - Park and Ride East of Bath

RESOLVED that the Cabinet agreed to:



1.  Note that both sites F and B could deliver the required outcomes for a P&R site to the east of Bath.

2.  Refuse that site F with 800 or 1,200 spaces should be promoted as the preferred site for a new Park and Ride east of Bath.

3.  Authorise:-

A)  that site B with 800 spaces should be promoted as the preferred site for a new Park and Ride east of Bath based on the advice in the report, but subject to satisfactory arrangements for the purchase of the site and agreement from Highways England on access.

B)  If site B is not deliverable for the above reasons, within a reasonable timescale, then site F should be progressed.

4.  Delegate authority to the Strategic Director (Place), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to make all necessary arrangements to implement the above, including, as necessary, the appropriation of land under Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972.

5.  Approve all necessary expenditure to enable the site to be secured and requests the development of a full business plan for appropriate executive approval.

6.  Fully approve an additional £500,000 to support delivery of the next steps.