Issue - decisions

Placemaking Plan for Bath and North East Somerset

03/12/2015 - Placemaking Plan for Bath and North East Somerset

RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet:


1)  Approved the Pre-submission Draft Placemaking Plan for public consultation from 16th December 2015 to 3rd February 2016,

2)  Approved the Draft Placemaking Plan for Development Management purposes,

3)  Delegated authority to the Divisional Director for Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning, to make minor changes to the Draft Placemaking to correct errors and inconsistences to the Plan prior to publication,

4)  Recommended to Full Council that it resolves to submit the Draft Placemaking Plan, along with representations received through the public consultation, to the secretary of state for examination, and

5)  Agreed the public consultation arrangements as printed in the report.