Issue - decisions

Area 10 Batheaston/Bathampton/Bathford Beckford Gardens 20mph TRO

28/11/2014 - Area 10 Batheaston/Bathampton/Bathford Beckford Gardens 20mph TRO

The Cabinet member agrees that the speed limit order is approved, with the following amendments to the advertised scheme:-

·  Bathford Hill is omitted and left as 30mph at present;

·  Bathford High St is omitted and left at 30mph at present, although the advisory 20mph speed limit should become permanent;

·  Bannerdown Road, is omitted and left at 30mph apart from the section between Barnfield Way and London Road East, which should become 20mph;

·  London Road East between the start of the 20mph zone and its junction with Batheaston Bypass is omitted.