Issue - decisions

Policy and Delegations for the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013

13/02/2014 - Policy and Delegations for the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013

(1)  to accept the Scrap Metal Dealers Policy provided in Appendix A to the report;


(2)  to note and agree the fees associated with the function provided in paragraph 5.6 of the report;


(3)  to recommend to delegate to the Divisional Director Environmental Services;


a.  the administration and enforcement of the function;

b.  the power to request further information of applicants;

c.  to review and amend the fees on an annual basis;

d.  to determine applications (including refusal), revoke licences, or impose conditions under Section 3(8);

e.  the power to issue or cancel a closure notice for unlicensed sites, and where appropriate, to apply for closure orders (Schedule 2) and take such other action in this respect as may be required; and

f.  to note that Council will be asked to delegate the function to the Licensing Committee when the power to do so is available.