Issue - decisions

Connecting Communities: A Local Engagement Framework for Bath & North East Somerset

09/05/2013 - Connecting Communities: A Local Engagement Framework for Bath & North East Somerset

(1) To ADOPT the “Connecting Communities Framework” set out in Appendix One, along with other public service partners working through the Public Services Board;

(2) To REQUEST officers to begin the implementation of the framework through widely publicising the “Core Offer” set out in the “Connecting Communities Toolkit”;

(3) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director, Policy and Partnerships in consultation with the Council Leader the detailed plans for implementing the “Local Offer” set out in the “Connecting Communities Toolkit”;

(4) To REQUEST the Divisional Director, Policy and Partnerships to work with local groups and communities to keep updated the Connecting Communities Toolkit in order to share good practice in local communities;

(5) To NOTE the Draft Action Plan set out in Appendix Three of the report; and

(6) To REQUEST a further report in 6 months updating on progress in implementing Connecting Communities.