Issue - decisions

West of England LEP - Revolving Infrastructure Funding

11/04/2013 - West of England LEP - Revolving Infrastructure Funding

(1) To AUTHORISE the Strategic Director for Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development and Strategic Director for Resources to enter into contracts with the LEP for RIF funding agreements (including drawdown and repayment schedules subject to the Council’s Capital Governance approval process for the first 3 priority scheme bids):

(a)  Decommissioning and decontamination of the Windsor Gas Station:  to enable removal of the HSE restriction on development at Bath Western Riverside and other sites in the Windsor Bridge area.

(b) The construction of a new road and pedestrian bridge to replace the Destructor Bridge at BWR: to provide access to the BWR western site.

(c) The provision of flood mitigation works for the enterprise area, comprising river and landscape works between Churchill Bridge and Midland Bridge.

(2) To AUTHORISE the Strategic Director for Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development and Strategic Director for Resources to enter into Contract with Crest (by extending the current Corporate Agreement) to use RIF for decommissioning of the Gas Holder on the basis of a policy based loan at an appropriate market rate for a maximum of five years on the grounds of economic development; and

(3) To APPROVE the schemes set out above as Capital Projects in the 2013/14 Capital Programme to covert from in-principle to fully approved now the business case for the investment has been completed.