Issue - decisions

Authority to sign agreements, licences, memos of understanding and issue notices for Bath Transport Package

07/12/2012 - Authority to sign agreements, licences, memos of understanding and issue notices for Bath Transport Package

The Cabinet Member agrees that:-

The Network Manager, and or the Director of Planning and Transport/Director of Environmental Services are hereby authorised to enter into a legal agreement with the Secretary of State under S6 of the Highways Act 1980, to allow the construction of Variable Message Signs numbered 4, 5 and 7 on the plan attached as Appendix 1 on the trunk roads A4.A36 and A46.


The Network Manager and or Director of Planning and Transport/Director of Environmental Services are hereby authorised to enter into a street works licence with South Gloucestershire Council under Section 50 of the New Roads and Street Works Act to allow for the construction of Variable Message sign number 6 shown on the plan attached as Appendix 1 on the A420 situated in South Gloucestershire.


The Network Manager and or the Director of Planning and Transport/Director of Environmental Services are hereby authorised to enter into memorandum/s of understanding or other such appropriate agreement with partner organisations to allow for the installation of Real Time Information or for the connections required to allow for Variable Message Signing equipment at the Podium Car Park to be linked with the Council’s UTMC system.


The Network Manager and or the Director of Planning and Transport/Director of Environmental Services are hereby authorised to enter into other licences to allow the construction of improved bus waiting areas on land not land in Council control.