Issue - decisions

Domestic Retrofitting and the Green Deal

06/12/2012 - Domestic Retrofitting and the Green Deal

(1) To AGREE in principle, the proposed approach to the Green Deal in Bath & North East Somerset, through the development of a Community Delivery Partnership, initially led by the Council in partnership with Curo Group and other relevant community and private sector organisations;

(2) To AGREE that this approach will be supported through:

  partnership development, including cross-service and with partners in Bath and North East Somerset and, potentially, beyond;

  implementation of the starter projects (Housing Services);

  procurement strategy development for a partner Green Deal provider or providers;

  exploring potential for moving to a CIC model;

  development of the business case for potential capital investment and income generation (including from referral fees);

  building community engagement in energy efficiency retro-fitting;

  setting up an advice line to provide advice to all residents, including the vulnerable and the fuel poor, on home energy efficiency and the Green Deal;

(3) To AGREE that a new Green Deal/Retro-fitting budget line for 2013-14 will be set up for £35,000 to cover the last two points in 2.2: community engagement work and the setting up and running of the advice line, whilst the detailed approach is developed, subject to the approval of the Budget by the Council in February 2013; and

(4) To AGREE that the Council and its partners will communicate these ‘in principle’ intentions early in 2013, in order to send a signal to the market and to inform local residents of future options.