Issue - decisions

Review of Bus Priority Measures in Dorchester St, Manvers St and Pierrepoint St., Bath

11/04/2013 - Bus Priority Measures in Dorchester St, Manvers St and Pierrepoint St., Bath

(1) To AGREE that an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order be implemented under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for a maximum period of 18 months to evaluate the impact of prohibiting the driving of vehicles except buses and taxis in an eastbound direction on Dorchester Street between 10am and 6pm and allowing right turn only out of Manvers St car park;

(2) To AGREE that the eastbound carriageway of Dorchester Street be designated as a bus lane for the purposes of civil enforcement using CCTV cameras under the Transport Act 2000; and

(3) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director for Environmental Services to make changes to the Experimental Order in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and also delegated authority to use the Council’s bus lane enforcement powers.