Committee details
Alice Park Trust Sub-Committee
- Councillor Deborah Collins
- Councillor Oli Henman
- Councillor Saskia Heijltjes
- Councillor Samantha Kelly
- Councillor Joanna Wright (Chair)
- Mary LaTrobe-Bateman (Co-opted Member, non-voting)
- Bryan Johnson (Co-opted Member, non-voting)
Purpose of committee
The Sub-Committee shall discharge the Council’s functions as sole corporate trustee in respect of the Alice Park Trust, the site and its resources in accordance with Trust’s objects and the duties it owes pursuant to the Charities legislation.
It shall report to the Charitable Trust Board on an annual basis detailing the work undertaken by the Trust in the preceding year and confirming to the Board that the Trust has complied with the objects of the charity and the Charities Legislation.
Appointed by: The Charitable Trust Board
Contact information
Support officer: Corrina Haskins. 01225 394357
Postal address:
Lewis House
Manvers Street
Phone: 01225 394357