Committee details
Scrutiny Inquiry Day
Purpose of committee
What is a Scrutiny
Inquiry Day?
This is a mechanism for a short single topic scrutiny, for use
where a panel meeting may not be effective or appropriate, or to
review progress in an area which has already been the subject of
scrutiny work.
The aim is to develop a greater understanding of an issue that
involves many organisations (in addition to the Council) and then
develop ways forward/recommendations in an inclusive manner, in a
workshop-style setting.
In an inquiry like this, it is on-the-day assessment of findings,
and development of conclusions and recommendations (in conjunction
with other interested parties) that differs from a traditional
“contributor session” in more complex
How will the Scrutiny Inquiry Day achieve an impact?
Recommendations from the day will
be submitted to the relevant Cabinet Member. It equally possible
that some of the recommendations will not require a Cabinet
response and these will be submitted to the appropriate partnership
Since scrutiny methodology often involves bringing together
practitioners and strategic-level staff from different sectors and
Council departments to act as expert witnesses, scrutiny activities
may have a lasting beneficial effect beyond their immediate aims,
in terms of facilitating communication and co-operation.
Contact information
Support officer: Ceri Williams.
Phone: 01225 396053