Committee details
Standards Committee
- Councillor Toby Simon
- Councillor Michelle O'Doherty
- Councillor June Player
- Councillor Tim Warren CBE
- Vacancy
Independent members
- Dr Axel Palmer, Independent Chair; non-voting
- Sophie Sidonio Independent Member
- Ronald Hopkins Parish Councillor
- Kate Skelton Parish Councillor
- Kathy Thomas Parish Councillor
- Tony Drew Independent Person
- Roger Morris Independent Person
Purpose of committee
The Standards Committee is responsible for promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Councillors, co-opted member and church and parent governor representatives in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct. It also determines allegations of misconduct against Members of the Council and oversees the register of Members’ interests and other codes and procedures.
The Standards Committee allocates chairing rights to a political group as this is statutorily required for when a formal vote is needed, as independent members do not have voting rights. However, in order to preserve the non-political nature of the committee and maintain trust and confidence in its operation, the committee has operated with one of the independent members taking the chair and Council on 25th May 2023 agreed that this arrangement should continue.
Links to further information;
Contact information
Support officer: Enfys Hughes. 01225 394410
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Lewis House
Manvers Street
Phone: 01225 3954410