Agenda item

The Royal United Hospital Bath status - presentation (30 minutes)

The Panel will consider a presentation from Francesca Thompson (The RUH Chief Operating Officer) on the status of the RUH Bath.


The Chairman invited Francesca Thompson (Chief Operating Officer – RUH) to give the presentation to the Panel.


The Chairman also welcomed Jacqueline Sullivan (CQC Inspector) to the meeting.


Francesca Thompson highlighted the following points in her presentation:


·  Care Quality Commission job

·  RUH Compliance

·  CQC Inspection (February 2013)

·  Monitor Outcome

·  Black Escalation Jan, Feb and Mar 2013

·  ED Attendances and Non-Elective Admissions – Trend

·  ED Attendances by Time of Day

·  ED Attendances and Non-Elective Admissions – by PCT

·  Hospital Flow: Open Beds, Occupancy, Outliers and Green To Go Patients

·  4 hour Performance

·  RUH Focus

·  Solutions


A full copy of the presentation is attached as Appendix 7 to these minutes.


The Panel made the following points:


The Chairman thanked Francesca Thompson for the presentation.


The Chairman said that it was the worst winter on record for the RUH but not weather wise for the area.  The Chairman also commented that when the CQC make an unannounced visit they just decide themselves what to inspect. 


Jacqueline Sullivan (CQC Inspector) said that all comments from the CQC are in the report, including the recommendations.  The CQC had a lot of intelligence from the wider community via CQC’s website, which started to raise their concerns about the discharge of patients.  People were concerned that when they were leaving the hospital it wasn’t in safe and organised manner.


The Panel welcomed the presentation and welcomed the transparency.  This was not only the RUH’s problem but the problem for the whole local health and social care community.  One of the ways to overcome these issues is for everyone to get together and work together – all South West HOSCs, Health and Wellbeing Boards, MPs and NHS bodies.  The Panel asked what plans are in place to work in a more strategic fashion.


Francesca Thompson replied that one of the slides shows that the RUH invited the Intensive Support Team (IST).  They were invited just at the right time and they helped the RUH to look at what is needed internally but the IST also identified that they wanted to work with the whole community.  There will be a diagnostic session within the next 4-6 weeks for the whole community to have a debate on this matter.  Prior to that, the RUH set up the Urgent Care Task & Finish Group which is driven by the commissioners (Chaired by Dr Simon Douglass).  This is for Wiltshire and BANES, not yet for Somerset, though on operational level Somerset is involved.  The Urgent Care Task & Finish Group has met on a number of occasions and the group was very clear on immediate actions that have to be taken. 


The Panel asked for an explanation on the Monitor Outcome slide.


Joss Foster (RUH Commercial Director) replied that the application process for the Foundation Trust status is to submit the application to Monitor.  The application was made in October 2012.  The RUH went through the process with Monitor who made the decision in March 2013 to defer the verdict up to 12 months so the RUH go back and sort out the issues that were highlighted in the CQC report.


The Chairman asked if there is any opportunity to release the verdict from the CQC if the RUH becomes compliant earlier than anticipated.


Jacqueline Sullivan replied that the CQC always ask for an action plan when there is an issue about the compliance.  In this instance the RUH said that they will complete their action plan by 31st May 2013.  The CQC will then re-inspect after that date for compliance.  If the CQC is satisfied with the compliance then the verdict is released.


Jacqueline Sullivan also said that it is up to Monitor to make the final decision on when, and if, they will approve the Foundation Trust status application from the RUH.


The Chairman said that the Panel would want to help the RUH to gain Foundation Trust status though the Panel is aware that the RUH catchment area is beyond BANES.  The Chairman said that it would be useful if the data from the RUH could be broken down for each authority that is within the RUH catchment area.


It was RESOLVED to:


1)  Note the presentation

2)  Request from the CQC to share compliance findings with the Panel once they are ready; and

3)  Invite the RUH representatives to give a further update on the Foundation Trust application status at one of the future Panel meetings.