Agenda item

Cycle Schemes Programme 2013/14

Cabinet approval is sought for the programme of cycle schemes


Duncan Hounsell in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 10 and on the Council’s website] asked for a cycle-path to be installed adjacent to the Keynsham Bypass to complete the route between Saltford and Hicks Gate and asked for it to be included in the cycle audit.

Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones in an ad hoc statement referred to item 20 in the list.  He warned that a shared path in the section between North Parade Bridge and Pulteney Bridge might prove a danger because it was very busy and because it included 2 blind corners.

Councillor Anthony Clarke in an ad hoc statement agreed with the reservations expressed by Councillor Anketell-Jones.  He felt that it should always be clear that pedestrians had priority.  He also referred to the new cycle path near the Globe Inn, which cyclists did not use because they preferred the road surface to the cycle path surface.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson in an ad hoc statement observed that there were some problems in Radstock Road.  She felt that the list showed a preponderance of schemes for Bath over rural schemes. She referred to paragraph 5.4 of the report, which explained that two proposed safe cycling routes to school had not been included in the list.

Councillor Vic Pritchard in an ad hoc statement asked if the list would be at the expense of other road schemes.  He asked that Cabinet would not agree to any shared use schemes and referred to some of his own experiences.

Councillor Caroline Roberts introduced the item.  She responded to Councillor Pritchard’s comments by agreeing that some bus drivers in James St West did not properly appreciate the contraflow scheme but arrangements were in place to provided training.  In response to Councillor Jackson she agreed that Silver Street would be considered in more detail.  She agreed to look at the points made by Duncan Hounsell and by Councillors Anketell-Jones and Clarke.

Councillor Roberts explained that the Council in its budget had allocated £0.5M for cycle projects and the proposals were to allocate those funds to specific projects.  Several meetings had been held with cycle groups and the list had been drawn up by prioritising on achievability.  She observed that more than half of the funds were being allocated for schemes in the rural area of the authority.

She moved the proposals.

Councillor David Dixon seconded the proposal.  He was delighted by the proposals.  He reported that he had seen the cycle track by the Globe being heavily used by students during term time.  He was delighted to see the substantial allocation of funds to the Batheaston Bridge scheme, which the local community had asked for.  He was delighted to note the inclusion of the signage which would enable people to find the Odd Down Cycle Track.

Councillor Ben Stevens referred to the reservations expressed by previous speakers saying that he supported the inclusion of a shared space stretch near the weir, in his ward, because it would encourage all users to be considerate.

Councillor Paul Crossley expressed his respect for Councillor Pritchard, who he knew was a regular cyclist.  He said that he was most concerned about the stretch of the Keynsham Bypass at night, which could be very dangerous for cyclists.  He did not agree with the reservations expressed about shared use but agreed that great care was necessary to choose the right solution for each scheme.

Councillor Dine Romero expressed disappointment that the two schemes to improve cycling to school had not been included in the list, but said she had been assured that they would be progressed when future funding permitted.

Councillor Caroline Roberts explained that the list had been kept short so as to ensure that it was achievable.

On a motion from Councillor Caroline Roberts, seconded by Councillor David Dixon, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the cycle schemes programme.

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